
Archive for September 10th, 2009

Worth a thousand words

Sorry, I really want to keep updating but I just don’t have enough time to write about everything I want to right now. After the 21st, things will be better again, so bear with me. Until then, live with a few images! 🙂

Liesl’s “cave”

It got a little chilly, so she burrowed her way under the blankets:

She couldn’t decide whether to fall asleep sitting up or laying down – but looked so cute!

Me and my Liesl! (She’s so sweet. I was feeling extremely tense yesterday afternoon and decided to take a nap. 10 minutes in, I felt a *pitter patter* on my chest and hear purring by my ears. I opened my eyes and she was staring at me. Honestly, if she could talk she would have said,

Whatcha doin’? You know what, I don’t think you’re feeling very well, so I’m just gonna plop myself down here and stay with you until you feel happy again.

She stayed with me there, asleep on my chest, while I slept for the next hour. I love her to pieces!)

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