
Archive for September 1st, 2009

The bonds of friendship

This isn’t necessairly class related, but I still found a conversation that a classmate and I had pretty humerous. My classmate’s name is Amara. It went like this:

During a study break, we contact each other via the gmail talk feature. In speaking, I find out that a strong point for her is in biochemistry/microbiology and  she finds out that a strong point for me is in embryology/genetics.

Me: So you’re good in biochem/micro? You’re my new best friend!!

Her: So you’re good in embryology/genetics? You’re MY new best friend!

And then she added,

Her: Wait a second… we weren’t best friends before?! Their isn’t a bond tighter than anatomy buddies! =p

(Clarification: Amara and I ended up deciding to work/study together through anatomy lab. [Almost] everyday, we go itno the lab and study the structures together. We drill each other and so on and so forth. Believe me… no bond is stronger than that one =p )

Anyhow. Oh, the life of a medical student =p

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