
Archive for August 27th, 2009

Thoughts on Happiness

I’ve just completed the fourth day of medical school courses (first year) and it has been a rush. I had planned on studying by talking about what I was learning (among other methods of course) but that won’t be happening. Seriously, the sheer volume of information we have to master is unbelievable!

I’m thrilled. I am so, so, so thankful that I have been given the opportunity to be what I want to be, to do what I want to do. It really is all about attitude, especially from the first waking moment. Every morning I smile because I know that I am one of the fortunate few who have to wake up super early just to go to class. It’s med school class!!

Having a small laptop is a blessing also. I wouldn’t be able to capture the information the professors present to us if I were writing it down by hand. Luckily for me, I type like a fiend so I can type almost as fast as they talk 🙂

About the quote in the last post:

I put that up as a reminder to not let myself be sucked in by all the negative and tense energy being given off by other students around me. Since Monday, I’ve heard things like the following more times than I can count on both my hands and feet:

“I’m so tired!”

“Ugh, I hate studying!”

“Seriously, I have to go into anatomy lab again?!?

“Lecture is so boring.”

…. and on and on and on.

I ask myself, Why do they have to take on that attitude? Why? To the people thinking about going into the medical profession (or any job for that matter). Know what you are getting into. Talk to people! Spend time in the area as a volunteer if you can. Understand that challenges arise with almost every situation there is to think of and then accept those facts! You will be SO much happier. Really.

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