
Archive for August 23rd, 2009

You know what? I give myself credit! I’ll tell you why in a minute.

This last week I got back on the bicycle (after being off it since 2006). I have a guaranteed 5-mile/day ride since I bike to and from school. This means that I will get at least 25 miles a week in.

I’ve also had the luck of finding another classmate who also has an interest in recreational cycling. We decided to go for a ride today and ended up taking (and finishing!) a 15-mile route. It took us about an hour and we went at an average speed of ~ 13-15mph. So why do I give myself credit? Because my classmate is a seasoned athlete, holds a black belt in martial arts, and I was still never further than a minute behind. AND I finished the ride. THAT’S why I give myself credit.

The goal now is (a) to do a long ride at least once a week and (b) to find additional classmates who share this interest.

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