
Archive for August 18th, 2009

Tidbits from the M1 Orientation

Ooooo, part of me was so irritated this morning! Orientation (according to an email received in July) was supposed to begin at 8AM today. Great, I think, I’ll just get up at 6AM so that I can have an hour to get ready calmly, eat breakfast, and then bike to campus (a 2.2 mile ride each way).  Imagine my displeasure (and the surprise of about 15 other people) when we were handed our information and noted that check-in time was from 8:15AM-9:15AM.

Can I get a collective groan from everyone here?

The shock wore off… eventually.

I had the pleasure of meeting yet another student, Kelly, that morning and, of course, whining with her about the lost hour of sleep we would never get back. Misery does love company! 🙂

This is where orientation took place (and this is also where most of our medical lectures will take place):


Orientation began and we were introduced to two more Deans and to the administrative staff of the Student Affairs and Academic Affairs. I have to say that I was so impressed by the level of energy that each of these people radiated out to the crowd! I’d like to say that maybe its because its the start of the year, but I doubt that. Why? It’s also the start of a new application cycle, which means LOTS of work and LOTS of stress for them. Yet, here they were, in bright pink shirts (guys included) cheering everyone on.

These people are approachable! Each and every person continues to stress the importance of working together towards a common goal. They tell us,

“You are here. Know that we chose you for a reason and do not doubt that.”

(By the way, I love that one of the deans has her hair dyed a green color… probably remnants of some party. :] )

The remainder of the morning lent way to hashing out multiple types of policies. A lot of “housekeeping” was done and then we were “encouraged” to meet a person we had not yet met and spend the next 10 minutes getting to know each other. I turned to my right and met Taylor, but we didn’t have too much to say. There are a few awkward moments like that with people, but it shouldn’t deter you from “meeting them again” a day or two later.

(Mental note/reminder: Buy some scrubs by Friday. You will need them for anatomy lab.)

During break time, I was introduced to a few MSPers (those are the MD/Phd students). I am sure that I will be seeking plenty of advice from Kijrsten, Jen, Johnathan, and Nicholas.

Orientation is sometimes very boring. There is so much information being thrown at you that, eventually, all the information begins to poor back out the other ear. Why listen? I can just ask a person later if I need help. It’s a possibility, yes, but still keep your ears/eyes open for that potentially remarkable information. Here’s an example.

In the past, this has all been about you. You have needed to do well, get good grades, good jobs. You. You. You. Now? Now you have a greater obligation to your future patients.

Did she just say, “you have a greater obligation to your future patients? Yes. And it was a sobering thought. Everything we do, everything that we learn, everything that we experience from here on out… it’s for our future patients.

Wow. It’s really beginning to hit home, to become solid reality. I am a medical student. I am training for the medical profession. I. Am. Here.

So now, time for pictures from our lunch together.


And here I had the pleasure of meeting (counterclockwise): Me, Scott, Francisca, Lisa, Neil, Claudia, Bernadette, and Kelly.


And now I leave you with a thought/question…. What kind of a spider is this????? *deep shudder*

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