
Archive for August 9th, 2009

Live from Urbana, Illinois….

On August 1st my family and I flew to Chicago, Illinois. We then drove to Urbana and I am happy to report that I have fallen in love with the place!

The last time I saw so much green around me was during the Hopkins4K for Cancer ride in the summer of 2006. I was right in an earlier post – things happen for a reason. Even though I felt upset at not having been assigned the Chicago track, I now understand that this calmer environment is just what I needed.

The last week passed in a flurry. I am so thankful to my family for coming with me to help me get settled in. I could not have done this without you! I am very happy with the place I will call “home” for the next year and I am enjoying getting to know my housemate, her husband, and the other five cats. (I’m not so sure Liesl is enjoying this just yet, though). This will absolutely be a good year.

Today I got back on the bike. I had just rounded a corner when a little old lady deliberately stepped out on the sidewalk and decided to walk as slow as possible. I decided to get off the bike and walk it around her so as not to, you know, crash into her. As I passed, she said, “I had trouble deciding. I had trouble deciding if I should let you pass on the sidewalk or stop you and let you know that you are not supposed to be riding on the sidewalk. Then again, so many cyclists are killed on the road. So, I had trouble deciding.” Um, thanks? Anyway, we ended up having a very nice conversation about her family.

Okay. Now I know I have to be on the road when cycling. (Really, I knew that already but being as this was my first time back on the bike in over three years, I was trying to play it safe and not get pancaked by cars).

Twenty minutes after the conversation, I finally found my way to the building where I will begin my medical lessons at. Check it out!


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