
Archive for March, 2009

You mean, I actually had the opportunity to do what you will read below? Wow. I never thought that would happen – seriously. Read on:

Date: Mar 13, 2009 8:54 AM
Subject: Withdraw Request

Dear [School Name] Admissions,

I would like to withdraw my spot on the alternate list. If there is any information you need from me to do so, please let me know. I do thank you all very sincerely for the opportunity to have interviewed there and wish you all the best.

Thank you,
[My name]

Date: Mar 13, 2009 9:12 AM
Subject: RE: Withdraw Request

[My name],

Thank you for letting us know. I will withdraw your application from consideration.

We wish you the best with all your future endeavors,

[Admissions Lady Name]

This was soon followed by:

Date: Mar 13, 2009 9:12 AM
Subject: [Osteopathic School Name] – Remove from Alternate List

Dear [My name],

Thank you for your continued interest in [Osteopathic Medical School]. It was our pleasure to work with you throughout the application and interview process.

Per your request, we have withdrawn your file from consideration.

We sincerely wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors.

Director of Admission

College of Osteopathic Medicine
Honestly, what an honor to have been considered at another school! I am thrilled to be where I am now, but I am even more happy to have had a chance at other places as well. This tells me that I can do what I set my mind to and that others do see something in me.

Thank you, [school name], for that chance.

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On Track

The Almighty UIC gods have bestowed upon me their decision for where to send me for the next four years of my life:

Urbana (M1)

Peoria (M2-M4)

Well, it isn’t what I was hoping for (I really wanted Chicago), but you know what? I’m going to make the best of it. Things happen for a reason, and I’ll find out soon enough why I will be there. I’ll take it and I’ll rock it.


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Looking Forward

I had all but quit looking at the pictures of friends who had gotten into med school last year because of… oh, well… let’s face it:  a severely wounded pride (and a broken heart). Whatever. I learned to get over it and just keep trying, but I still never had the guts to look at the pictures and share in my friends’ happiness, that is, until about two months ago. That was around the time I started getting interviews, so it just kind of fell into place.

Now I look at them and all I can think is: I’m so going to have an amazing time in med school! I can’t wait to meet all the new people in my life and learn the massive amount of information that will come my way. Oh man.. I can’t wait!!!

Oh, what new wonders life will hold!

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To-Do List In Progress!

There are some things we need to do in order to secure (and hold) our place in class:

  • Earn a grade of C or better in all courses taken subsequent to submitting an application through AMCAS
  • Complete all requirements for the bachelor’s degree prior to the date of enrollment
  • Submit an official transcript by June 15 from the institution from which you earned your baccalaureate degree and all official transcripts for all additional degrees or course work taken after the completion of your baccalaureate degree.
  • Medical Immunization History must be submitted by June 15
  • Acceptance Form
  • Site Preference Card
  • Completed Safety and Technical Standards Form
  • The good ‘ol deposit
  • Be present at orientation – To be done on August 18th!
  • Undergo a criminal history records check

These are just initial items, anyhow.  Who knows what else is in store….

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Now that I’ve interviewed and received an acceptance, it’s time to start thinking about what I’ll be doing at UIC and how I am going to get the most out of it. While many aspects of UIC impressed me, there are two in particular that really made me feel that this school was the fit for me: The Hispanic Center of Excellence (HCOE) and The Urban Health Program (UHP). It’s the latter that I’m going to focus on for this entry.

To participate in this program, the applicant must submit a form before March 30th. This leaves me with a little less than a month to consider the questions asked and to figure out how to best answer them. As always, education is key, so here is a little research on the program.

The UHP’s ultimate goal is to train underrepresented health professionals, Masters, and Doctoral graduates dedicated to improving the quality and availability of health care services in the underserved urban areas. The UHP strives to bring in the underrepresented from an early time in education – about 7th grade or so. In fact, I was a part of one of the programs as a high school student! It should be no surprise, then, that I am once again drawn to this program for medical school, although it is no longer solely for biomedical research alone.

Some aspects I like about the program are that:

  • There is a “separate” Urban Medicine curriculum that is integrated into the regular curriculum throughout med school. This includes opportunities such as being able to attend lectures by notable professionals and being able to go to and participate(?) in relevant conferences.
  • There is a strong focus in the social/behavioral sciences. This is something that I’ve been working on close to two years now (at work) and it is a provocative and eye-opening field. (Side note: It’s funny, really.. when I first got this job I was disappointed that it was not more “biology” based. Things in life happen for a reason!)
  • It is strongly encouraged that a combined MD/MPH degree be pursued, presumably to complement the field of urban health. I myself am very interested in one of two areas that UIC’s School of Public Health offers: Community Health and Epidemiology/Biostatistics. This would mean that a 5th year be added on, but I think it is time well spent.

I’ll be calling the office tomorrow to ask to speak to students currently in the program. I think that, after that, I’ll have a better idea of how to answer the questions on the application. I know that they may seem quite straightforward, but I don’t exactly want to state an obvious answer. Let’s see if there’s anything novel to be looked at instead!

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Timeline of Events

Secondary application sent to me on: 8/18/08

Information received from AMCAS to UIC:  9/10/08

Secondary application returned to UIC: 10/21/08

Fee received: 10/21/08

Composite JHU Letter received: 10/22/08

Interview invitation sent to me: 12/11/08

Interview confirmed on: 12/19/08

Interview date set for: 2/16/09

Decision made: 2/19/09

AMCAS background check email: 2/23/09

Acceptance packet mailed out on: 2/24/09

Acceptance packet received by me on: 2/27/09

Acceptance/Site Preference/Deposit card mailed back: 2/27/09

Contents of the Acceptance Packet:

  • Acceptance Letter
  • Site Preference Card
  • Site Assignment Policy
  • Acceptance Form
  • Safety & Technical Standards
  • Requirements for Permission to Register
  • FAFSA Information
  • Campus Tour Dates
  • Background Check Notification
  • AAMC Recs Concerning Med School Acceptance Procedures for 1st Year Students
  • Responsibilities of Medical School Applicants
  • US Army enticement to join, etc.
  • Tuition Information
  • Info about the Urbana-Champaign campus

So as you can see, it takes a long while to complete this process. Be sure that medicine is what you want because even the application process alone is no cake walk! What a journey it is though. Thank goodness for all the people that kept me going (you know who your are).

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No excuses

“To be loved as you are, this is the greatest gift; but it is not an excuse not to change, it is not permission to be anything less than your best.”   (Hope, 2008)

I value the significance of this quote more than you may realize. For all those who know me and for all whom I know and will meet later in life: keep this quote in mind. Do not forget it. Do not be anything less than your best and do not make excuses.

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